
George Washington Carver - blackinventor.comThe Black Inventor Online Museum ™, is a look at the great and often unrecognized pioneers in the field of invention and innovation.

Achievements by Black inventors can be seen as far back as ancient Africa but much of society has no idea that many of the products or devices that make their everyday lives more enjoyable are the result of the hard work and ingenuity of Blacks.

The Black Inventor Online Museum ™, is the first of numerous educational/information web sites presented by Adscape International as a method for disseminating relevant and important information on topics that have often been overlooked in the traditional classroom. By bringing awareness to contributions made by a diverse number of ethnic/social groups, we hope to infuse a greater sense of pride, understanding and enthusiasm, contributing to a greater level of achievement on the part of students and their teachers. Used as a supplemental resource to traditional classroom methods, these sites can be used throughout the year as well as at home.

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